Music Therapy For Depression:


Keep your Mood Fresh with our Music Therapy.

VIP Healthcare Rehab Center gives an eminent treatment or therapy for depression in Gurugram. According to the report of World Health Organization, India is the most depressed country in the world. Other than depression, a huge population is suffering from anxiety too. And according to the same WHO, at least 6.5 % of people suffer from serious mental disorders even it is in rural or urban areas.

Due to the depression there is a serious problem arising known as “suicide”. We all are aware of this issue. Depression leads to suicide. Here, in VIP Healthcare Rehab Center in Gurugram, we believe that life is so much more precious than we can see. For a better future we make sure that through physiotherapy we can provide more help to our patients.

We provide Music Therapy treatment for our patients who are suffering from a lot of mental issues. Music therapy could be defined as a treatment where we use medical interventions like singing, listening to music, to help people in reaching their goals. This makes it different from other treatment.

We help our patients to communicate with us. For every problem we open our eyes and ears for our patients anywhere, anytime. Our physiotherapist is trained to address, social, physical, emotional problems.

As per research suggest, music therapy has the best elements which effects brain or some parts of the brain. The rhythms of the music have great powers to calm down the mind and body. These elements of music have proved to reduce the physical and mental health problems.

Is music therapy a solution? Yes! Music has proved to be a great element in maintaining happiness. It does cause the changes. With our full medication, we can promise you that through a great music you will feel relaxed. Music has a power which does affect your breathing and heart rate making you more relaxed.

We assist people in releasing negative memories or any feelings which would have been a bad nightmare to them. We ensure that you will feel better and motivated. Soon you will find change in your behavior, happier towards life.

What we will provide you in music therapy session? Music therapy is same like any other therapy. In this therapy we make our patients to communicate more. This helps in creating a more comfortable space for the patients, to talk to them regarding their problem which has affected them deeply.

For us, it is not just about just treatment, it is about making our patients happier towards life. We do realize that life is not easy. Every person is suffering from different and varieties of problems. There are a lot of symptoms of depression.

It includes tiredness, sleeplessness, feeling of worthlessness, feeling sad all the time. But we want to make clear this that every person has different symptoms. In fact, a happy person could also be in depression but we can’t find out easily. But we will be available for all our patients every time.

Music therapy has an essence to make people more forgiving, gives a meaning towards life. There are a lot of treatment areas which can be focused on. It has been proven that people who listen to pleasant music are happier rather than other people.

Out techniques include instrumental and local music strategies which will help our patients to reach their goals. According to every person’s pr3eferences and needs we will arrange the musical activities. VIP focuses on treatment planning, assessing it, and then evaluates it. This can help in knowing the weak point then to modify it and do the necessary treatment.

We analyze every body movement and do watch how the patient is responding to our treatment. To make our patient’s condition better we may also ask them to write songs. These techniques can be done individually or in a group. Our main aim is to make our customer comfortable.

Since 1964, music therapy was popular, and from that time onwards, researchers have supported this treatment. It has been proved beneficiary. With the great efforts, results have grown after so many years.

We guarantee you that this treatment has achieved to improve:

  • Anxiety issues
  • Increased motivation
  • Improved relationship
  • Reduced muscle tension
  • Helped in relaxing
  • To improve self-esteem
  • General mood
  • Concentration
  • Attention span
  • Social interaction
  • Confidence
  • Emotional states
  • Personal insights

People suffering with chronic problems like Schizophrenia/Psychosis, depression, anxiety have improved the most due to this treatment. Other problems like autism, mental health conditions, to regain lost speech and to improve the condition after a head injury, all have been focused in our treatment.

We have helped our customers to sleep better, improve their mental health conditions in Gurugram and to manage their body weights.

Every patient has different view about resolving their problem. Going for a famous clinic just because it has a popular name doesn’t mean you will find satisfactorily results. Many famous clinics have proven to be a big failure. Here, we can promise you that, your loving ones or even you will be in safe hands, and we guarantee a better treatment. We only believe in making our patients feel better. From day one we will give full attention to our every patient. Our therapy speaks for itself.